166 W 1450 N Provo, UT 84604
(801) 373-6614
85 W 200 S Springville, UT 84663
(801) 489-4116
Prices vary depending on the item brought in. Things can be either laundered or dry cleaned. Some things, like suits and shirts, are standard and have set prices. Other things, like wedding dresses and drapes, are too different to come with a fixed price. The table below will help you to price some basic things, but for other items you’ll need to call us or come in. If you have any questions, we’d be glad to help.
Service | Price |
Suits | $18.00 |
Shirts | $9.00 |
Slacks | $9.00 |
Blazers | $9.50 |
Blouses | $9.00 |
Skirts | $9.00 |
Dresses (plain) | $13.50 |
Sweaters | $9.00 |
Ties | $5.75 |
Men’s Laundered Shirts | $3.25 |
Wedding Dresses | Call for Pricing |
Custom Drapery Cleaning | Call for Pricing |